About me
“My purpose is to be a nurturing and empowering vessel for humans in their transformational journey of living in alignment through their authentic given gifts. Through embodiment coaching, Body-House workshop, retreats, trainings and talent development mentorship. I am here to inspire unmasked, authentic connections and synergy between heart, body, mind and spirit for our global tribe to live from.”
Keren Rosenberg (IL/NL) is the founder of the Body-House Method, Coach, mentor for talent development and a performance artist.
For over 22 years she has been working nationally and internationally as a professional in the fields of dance & performance, interdisciplinary arts, choreography making, teachings, talent development and coaching.
Her artistic works were presented in festivals, site-specific, venues and theaters across The Netherlands, Sweden, UK, Canada, Iceland, France, China, Israel, Australia, Ireland, Ethiopia, Mexico, and Italy.
She has been supported by the Dutch Performing Arts Fund, Amsterdam funds for the arts, and was associate artist Dansmakers / ICK Amsterdam and culture house de Vlugt.
In 2011, Keren was invited by Ohad Naharin to study the Gaga movement language and become the first certified Gaga teacher from the teaching training program.
For the past 10 years, Keren has been teaching and coaching method thousands of people around the world through her Body-House, both nationally and internationally, in physical and virtual spaces, with professional performance artists, the generation of tomorrow, humans of all ages, humans of golden age, humans with different abilities and the audience members who came to witness her artistic work.
Alongside Body-House group experiences, Keren runs her private coaching & mentorship program where she supports humans in developing awareness and synergy between their body-mind-heart-spirit; inspiring unmasked, authentic connection between themselves and how they share themselves with the world around them.
“The open spaces of raves breathed freedom into me, in these sacred temporary entities I felt the most beautiful and genuine unmasked human connection with myself and with others. The unattained reciprocal pure energy that we all carry within us, underneath all our socially constructed skins.
There I met my inspirations and still do: this deep urge to expose the rawness of the body that is moving and rigorously sweating. A body that is stripped away from its gender, race, nationality, and age down to its purest form of energy.
It is these types of experiences and environments I wish to create and share with the world.”