“Will you dare to dance with fire?”
The journey of awakening imagination and empathy
Going Primal is a physical and ritualistic performative novel by Keren Rosenberg which consists of six chapters of performative experiences, that seeks to bring the body back in time, to its primal roots: boundless and free.
In immersive cross-disciplinary performative spaces – both in real life and in virtual environments – boundaries between performers, audience, and space dissolve into an energetically charged and ecstatic experience. Using her method of BodyHouse as the ‘language’ that is shared with both performers and spectators, Keren gives keys to enter to the unfolding experiences with an open heart and a physically present body.
Re-Surface is the introductory chapter of the performative novel. A physical and metaphysical energetic exchange between the emotional moving body of Keren, the audience members, and the shamanic space design by Prem Scholte Albers. In an intimate space, rubbing close against the skins of audiences members, Keren acts as the medium that is channeling the energy of the attendees, and the vibration of the surroundings. Illuminating beyond the physical body, in waves overflowing spaces, time and dimensions of perception.
“In Re-Surface the spectator gets an introduction to Keren’s BodyHouse method.
Rosenberg shows in a powerful, penetrating solo what she aims with her project, which she calls a 'performative novel': it is a journey, not through time but the journey of your body in interaction with the space around you and your inner strength. It sounds spiritual and it is, but it works, it's captivating."
Kester Freriks, Theaterkrant
Choreographer &Performer: Keren Rosenberg
Composition: Richard van Kruysdijk
Light design and scenography: Prem Scholte Albers
Photographer: Megan van De
Dramaturgy: Merel Smitt
Made with of support of Fonds Podium Kunsten, Amsterdam fonds voor de kunst, ICK Amsterdam, Arte dell’ Anima.